Dec 8, 2023

Your radiator plays a crucial role in maintaining the ideal temperature under the hood. Neglecting radiator problems could lead to a multitude of issues, including engine damage. It’s important to know when your VW needs a radiator repair from your VW dealer to avoid breakdowns and expensive repairs. 

How to Tell When Your VW Needs a Radiator Repair From Your VW Dealer

It’s Getting Too Hot Under the Hood

If your temperature gauge needle keeps rising, it may indicate that your radiator is not functioning correctly. There can be several reasons your radiator is on the blink, from a faulty cooling fan and a broken thermostat to thick and sludgy coolant not flowing freely through the cooling system.

Any of these issues will cause your car to get too hot under the hood. Overheating is an urgent problem that can lead to severe engine damage and requires immediate attention. If you notice your car is overheating, find a safe place to pull over, switch off your vehicle, and contact us for assistance.

The Radiator Fins Are Damaged or Blocked

Your radiator must receive proper airflow to keep your engine at the ideal temperature. Radiators are equipped with delicate, thin, fin-like tubes that carry hot coolant away from the engine. As you drive, the air lowers the temperature of the coolant, but if the fins are damaged or clogged, it prevents the necessary airflow to cool down the coolant.

Your Car Is Leaking Coolant

When the coolant level is rapidly falling, and you see a brightly colored puddle of fluid on the ground under your car, you’ve got a coolant leak. There are many places coolant can leak from, including cooling system hoses or the radiator itself.

The Coolant Looks Dirty

Coolant is essential for your cooling system. Typically, coolant is brightly colored, usually green, yellow, pink, or orange. When the bright coolant turns rust-colored or murky, it may indicate corrosion. 

There’s a Build-Up of Sludge 

It’s crucial to ensure that the coolant in your vehicle doesn’t become thick and sludgy, which can happen over time due to contamination. That is why regular coolant replacements are so important. When the coolant is old and dirty and turns into sludge, it doesn’t flow through the cooling system, builds up around the radiator, and causes your car to overheat.

You Notice Corrosion 

Coolant has inhibitors to prevent the corrosion of metal parts in your vehicle’s cooling system. However, if you don’t replace the coolant for a long time, the inhibitors can break down and cause rust. 

Don’t allow radiator problems to cause severe damage under the hood. If you’re struggling with any of the issues above, contact Tony Volkswagen today to book an appointment, and VW-trained technicians will expertly repair your radiator.

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