Nov 3, 2023

Throughout the day, a car’s alternator and battery work hand in hand to generate voltage and supply the car with electrical power. If the battery ever starts to fail, you’ll soon notice problems with the electrical components, especially when the engine’s off. Let’s look at some of the telltale signs that you need to visit your VW dealer for a new car battery

Does Your VW Need a New Car Battery?

Battery Light Appears 

The battery light on your dashboard is designed to alert you of faults in the electrical supply. It will usually light up when the battery itself has a problem, but sometimes a faltering alternator or other electrical issue will trigger the light. If you see the battery light, have your car’s electrical system inspected at once by a qualified technician to diagnose the fault. 

Slowing Electrical Accessories 

If the many electrical components inside your cabin ever begin to slow down or act strangely, your battery may be failing to supply them with sufficient power. These accessories include the phone charger, heated seats, power windows, stereo, and dashboard dials. 

Dimming or Flickering Lights 

An obvious indication of a failing battery is when the headlights or lights inside your car stop working properly. The lights will often dim as the battery fades, making it gradually harder to see. The lights may also flicker for a while as the electrical supply becomes unstable. 

Trouble Starting the Engine

Both the engine starter and spark plugs inside the engine need a strong burst of voltage to start up. So if you have trouble starting your car one morning, the battery may well be to blame. If the engine fails to start a few times in a row, you probably need a new battery right away.

Rotting Egg Smell in the Cabin

When a car battery becomes damaged by age, cold, or excessive vibrations, it can sometimes warp out of shape and crack open. When this happens, battery acid may leak out, which has a distinctly unpleasant smell similar to that of rotten eggs. 

Worsening Performance in Winter

Car batteries perform less well in cold weather. Low temperatures slow down the chemical processes inside the battery. This susceptibility to cold worsens as the battery ages. So drivers living in colder climates are more likely to notice all the aforementioned battery problems sooner. 

VW Dealer Finds a Battery Fault

It’s a good idea to have your vehicle’s electrical systems periodically checked out by an experienced technician. During these routine servicing visits, the technician can examine and test your battery to make sure it’s still in good working order. They can also warn you in advance if you’re likely to need a replacement battery any time soon.

Have a new battery installed today at Tony VW. We offer excellent vehicle maintenance services, a wide range of new and used cars, and a hassle-free, low-pressure car purchasing or servicing experience.

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